Wednesday, September 17, 2008

1 year anniversary in New York

For our 1 year anniversary we went to New York City.  Hano surprised me with the trip!  He likes to surprise me but he always ends up telling me at least a couple weeks before because he gets so excited!  We had such a blast in New York!  We ate hot dogs from the vendors and saw Phantom of the Opera, which was incredible!!  New York is a fascinating place and incredibly alive.  We stayed on Statton Island with some of Hano's cousins.  They were so nice and took us on a tour of the city!!  They were so helpful.  The best was trying to figure out the subway, I am surprised that we didn't get lost!  People were pretty helpful when asking them which train we should take.  My favorite part was the Empire State building.  I cannot imagine building that in the time period it was built.  It is so high!  

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