Saturday, July 25, 2009

Nieces on the 24th

I have the cutest nieces and nephews, Hano and I can never get enough of them. I don't have any pictures of my nephews since we were not with them on the 24th but my nieces were having a blast in the pool! It is so much fun to watch them grow and learn, they are so smart and remember everything that you teach them. Danali knows how to say "more" in sign language and is so proud of herself everytime she does it. Sirlei is still pretty little but she knows that if she rolls to much she will end up on her belly and that is not something that makes her happy. We are so happy to have such a wonderful family, maybe one day the baby making will rub off on Hano and I but for now we are really enjoying our nieces and nephews.

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